The service provides issuers with a daily or monthly liquidity report on their own instruments, and a comparison reference with other BME-listed shares. This is the effective ex-post liquidity of each instrument on the continuous market, measured in terms of cash trading over certain periods. Specifically, it shows the average liquidity and cumulative liquidity at the calculation date for two semesters: January 1st to June 30th, and July 1st to December 31st.
It targets all issuers with financial equity instruments traded on a BME-managed market.
The service provides issuers with information on the liquidity of their own instruments, and the liquidity of their peers on BME markets. The liquidity criteria, such as the cash value traded, are the criteria which are used to determine the components of the main national and international indexes.
BME Market Data is a Bolsas y Mercados Españoles Group company specialised in handling, generating and selling information from the BME Group's Multilateral Regulated Markets and Trading Facilities, and providing added-value services targeting the securities markets industry.