Issuers in Spain have a legal obligation to notify the National Securities Market Commission (CNMV) of their relevant facts, even if they are posted simultaneously on other media1. The service seeks to give greater visibility to companies listed on the BME Group's Regulated Markets and Multilateral Trading Facilities with real-time data on companies' relevant facts in Spanish and English.
1 Issuers of securities are obliged immediately to publish and disseminate any relevant information to the market. They must also send such information to the National Securities Market Commission for its inclusion in the official register regulated by article 92 of this Act. That communication to the National Securities Market Commission must take place at the same time as the information is disclosed by any other means and as soon as the fact becomes known, the decision is adopted or the relevant agreement or contract with third parties is signed.
It targets all issuers with instruments traded on a BME Group Regulated Market and/or Multilateral Trading Facility.
The BME Market Data service announces significant events to all customers currently receiving real-time data on the Spanish market - approximately 300 customers, and more than 100,000 end users.
BME Market Data customers include information issuers, investment funds, the media, issuers of securities, investment banks, financial brokers and final investors (professionals and individuals). Around 75% of BME Market Data customers are not resident in Spain.
They receive real-time data on a significant event, with any additional documentation posted by the issuer.
To gather significant events in Spanish, BME Market Data has an agreement with the CNMV commission to receive and relay the information as soon as it has been published by the CNMV.
For significant events in English, BME Market Data has an application to compile data on significant events in English via the websites of issuers requesting the service, at no extra cost.
BME Market Data is a Bolsas y Mercados Españoles Group company specialised in handling, generating and selling information from the BME Group's Regulated Markets and Multilateral Trading Facilities, and providing added-value services targeting the securities markets industry.