
5th Edition of the OFISO 2024 Annual Meeting

June 14, 2024

The Spanish Observatory of Sustainable Finance (OFISO) held its 5th Annual Meeting for market professionals at the Palacio de la Bolsa in Madrid. This event has become one of the leading platforms for discussing and learning about relevant trends in the world of sustainable finance among issuers, financial institutions, and ESG rating companies.

Sponsored by BME, Ethifinance, and ING, various panelists at the event addressed critical topics such as the challenges and perspectives for sustainable loans, financial solutions for companies undergoing transition, and regulatory responses to the different aspects surrounding sustainable finance.

During the closing of the event, Gonzalo Gómez Retuerto, Director of BME Fixed Income, highlighted BME's commitment to OFISO since its inception and the important role of market infrastructures as facilitators of financing to tackle the major sustainability challenges.

The Annual Meeting also featured the OFISO 2024 Awards, a significant moment recognizing excellence and achievements in sustainable finance. These awards provide a unique opportunity for industry professionals to gather and celebrate the accomplishments in promoting responsible and sustainable financial practices. Acciona received the award as a private company; Banco Sabadell as a financial institution; Merlin for the best sustainable loan; Ethifinance for business trajectory; and Jesús Martínez for personal trajectory.

All photos are available at this Flickr link.

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