What is BME

Bolsas y Mercados Españoles (BME), a SIX Group company, is the operator of all the securities markets and financial systems in Spain. Since its beginnings, the Group has been a reference in the sector in terms of solvency, efficiency and profitability.

BME offers a wide range of products, services and trading systems based on stable and advanced technology developed in-house. Also, access to global markets for issuers, intermediaries and investors both in Spain and internationally, with clients in Europe, America and Africa.

One of the strengths of our company is based on its diversification, which is reflected in its organization around three business areas that offer a wide variety of services at the highest level. These areas are Markets, Post-Trading and Financial Information.

BME is a dynamic company, heir to a long tradition of financial culture that is committed to innovation and development. Our technology has been developed in-house and has been exported to several countries.


Our mission is to be the benchmark for financial markets and systems in Spain, always seeking excellence in service quality and innovation in our markets and services, providing value to society and the economy. BME is committed to being an outstanding reference for the economy of Spanish and Latin American companies, through Latibex.


BME Group's vision is to achieve the transparent, safe and efficient functioning of the markets, in order to contribute to the economic growth of our country's companies. We offer expert advice on how to go public so that companies can finance their growth and expand their operations.


Solvency - Impartiality - Transparency - Innovation - Vanguard - Shareholder protection.

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Copyright® BME 2025
[ http://www.bolsasymercados.es ]