Press Release

Izertis registers its first Commercial Paper Programme on MARF Market

30 December, 2020

BME's Fixed Income Market, MARF, has listed today Izertis’ first Commercial Paper Programme. This new programme will enable the company to have flexible access to qualified investors to diversify its sources of financing and place CPs up to a maximum outstanding balance of 30 million euros.

Renta 4 Banco has been appointed Manager of the Programme, while Renta 4 Banco itself, Fidentiis Equities and Haitong Bank, who act as Placement Entities for Izertis, will be responsible for distributing among professional investors the future issues of commercial papers that will take place over the next year.

The Registered Advisor for the Commercial Paper Programme is Renta 4 Banco and law firm Ramón y Cajal Abogados has provided legal advice to the issuer in its registration.

Axesor Risk Management has issued a rating report in which it assigns the issuer a rating of BB with stable trend.

Izertis is a Spanish multinational technology consultancy firm specialised in providing strategic consultancy services for digital transformation and technological and operational capabilities at the most advanced level of value. With its activity, it seeks to ensure that the companies it serves complete the transformation of their business processes and organisations to take advantage of the opportunities of the digital environment.  Izertis offers technological and methodological solutions in environments such as artificial intelligence, cloud, cybersecurity, smart software labs, IT outsourcing, blockchain, project & IT governance consulting and other enabling technologies for digital transformation processes. The Izertis Group currently has offices in Spain, Portugal, Belgium, Cape Verde, Egypt, Mexico, Peru, Colombia and the Dominican Republic, and works in more than 49 countries.

Izertis is listed on BME Growth and forms part of the IBEX GROWTH MARKET 15® index. In 2019 the company reached a turnover of 46.3 million euros and its EBITDA was 4.08 million.

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