Quality Reference Data. Where You Need It. When You Need It
Managing financial instrument data has never been more challenging. Regulations such as MiFID II, FinSA or IRS 871(m) are underscoring the need for high-quality, complete and instantly available reference data.
That’s where CONNEXOR comes in. With services for both issue and maintenance of all product types in the warrants segment of BME, as well as for data use, CONNEXOR offers:
- Entire lifecycle, fully automated, cost-efficient management of reference data.
- Greater global efficiency and quality thanks to its unique, in-depth data standard.
- The right service: from launch, placement (including OTC), trading and maintenance, right through to maturity.
- Digitalisation of listing process enables for a much improved time to market;
- Reduced paperwork for the admission to trading of warrants;
- Automation of the submission of events notifications to cover the life-cycle management of the instruments;
- Direct interaction with new clients and data consumers through the CONNEXOR platform.

How CONNEXOR works, step by step
Quality reference data, where and when you need it.
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93Issuers |
37Data consumers |
2.25 mnNewly issued products in 2024 |
50+ mnAssociated products updates and lifecycles events |
5Asset classes Structured products (incl. Warrants), OTC Derivatives (Options, Forwards incl. Accumulator/Decumulators), Fixed Income, ETPs, Life insurance policies |
20+Countries our issuers come from Switzerland, Germany, France, Great Britain, Spain, Hongkong, Singapore, United Arab Emirates, Netherlands, Luxembourg, Ireland, USA and more |
Distribution of high quality reference data to multiple market participants can be costly and cumbersome. Issuers contend with many different interfaces and many data models, incurring high overheads. Now, issuing warrants at BME is part of this wide group.
Numerous market participants such as financial institutions, data vendors, investors, technology partners, public authorities and other reference data users are already connected to the CONNEXOR infrastructure and further market participants can be connected. The table below shows some of the services currently available via CONNEXOR.
CONNEXOR Listing then enables instruments to be automatically admitted to trading, while CONNEXOR Distribution allows non-listed instrument data to be captured and distributed in a standardized manner.
CONNEXOR Distribution does things differently. Reference data is captured electronically in a standardized way, directly at source, even for instruments listed on other exchanges, OTC or private placements. This allows for straight through processing, making data available to any number of data consumers in a standard format, without any changes to content. The process is fast, efficient and eliminates repeated efforts across different interfaces and data models: that’s the CONNEXOR Distribution difference.
CONNEXOR Events is an application that allows issuers to automate some of their reporting processes for structured products, making it easier to electronically submit product event information. Clients then benefit from instant product notifications for events such as barrier breaches, early redemptions and many more.
CONNEXOR Terms displays simple and complex financial instruments in digitized form and originating from the issuer (Golden Source). The service combines data depth and quality with a standardized structure, enabling easy further processing and use of complex reference data.
Our API allows our structured product reference data consumers to download data ISIN by ISIN – just like you would with a shopping cart! So clients only pay for what they actively request. In addition to the native data format CONNEXOR-XML, other popular formats such as json, csv or Excel are also enabled. The offering covers additional services, such as notifications about data updates, issuer reporting on usage as well as integrating key figures.
This offering benefits all our customers but especially those with individual requests for better management of their structured products. This service is offered by CONNEXOR through the interface of our cooperation partner Avaloq.
The one-time registration is quick and easy via an online contract, and the data can be obtained immediately after a brief contract review.