General Shareholders´ Meeting

The company shares were listed on Madrid, Barcelona, Bilbao, and Valencia Stock Exchanges between 14 July 2006 and 24 September 2020.

Ordinary General Shareholders' Meeting 2016
Ordinary General Shareholders' Meeting Agenda. (28 April 2016)
Resolutions adopted
Explanatory report of the Board of Directors on the proposal of the Appointments and Remuneration Committee for the appointment of a Director, which is submitted under item three on the agenda and includes the identify, curriculum and professional category of the director
Proposal of the Appointments and Remuneration Committee to the Board of Directors regarding the appointment of the Director that is submitted under item third on the agenda
Required report by the Appointments and Remuneration Committee on the Directors' Remuneration Policy which is submitted under item fourth on the agenda, together with the reasoned proposal of the Board of Directors
Board of Directors explanatory report in relation to the proposed delegation of authority to increase share capital within a five year period, on one or more occasions, and by up to half the Company’s share capital, with the authority to exclude pre-emptive subscription rights and to amend article 5 of the Articles of Association, which is submitted under item seventh on the agenda
Board of Directors explanatory report on the proposal, submitted in item eighth of the agenda, to delegate the authority to issue debentures, bonds, promissory notes and similar fixed income securities, both ordinary and exchangeable and/or convertible into shares, including warrants, with the attributed authority to exclude pre-emptive subscription rights and increase the share capital in the amount required
Board of Directors report related to the amendments made to the Board of Directors Regulations, pursuant to article 528 of the Ley de Sociedades de Capital (the "Companies Act")
Annual report on Corporate Social Responsibility for financial year 2015
Board of Directors' report for 2015, which includes reports from Board Committees: Executive Committee, Audit Committee, Appointments and Remuneration Committee, and the Markets and Systems Operating Procedures Committee (Spanish Only)
Speech of the Chairman of the Board of Directors (Spanish Only)
Speech of the Chairwoman of the Audit Committee (Spanish Only)
Speech of the Chairman of the Appointments and Remuneration Committee (Spanish Only)
Speech of the General Manager (Spanish Only)
Ordinary General Shareholders' Meeting Agreements
Quorum and votes
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