Patronage and sponsorship

BME has historically maintained a commitment to support the local community, especially in the field of culture and social action. It is a member of the Friends of the Prado Museum Foundation, a sponsoring partner of the Reina Sofia Contemporary Art Museum, a Partner of the of the Naval Museum Foundation and the National Archaeological Museum and a patron of the Guggenheim Museum in Bilbao, among others.

It also maintains a commitment over the years with the Madrid and Barcelona Food Banks and participates in the "Light for ELA" initiative, promoted by the Luzón Foundation, among others. 

Taller para los empleados en el Museo del Prado
Fachada edificio Bolsa en evento "Luz por la ELA"


Sponsorship of financial publications

BME contributes to the study and knowledge of the Spanish financial economy, encouraging the dissemination of finance and the stock markets through the direct publication of books and magazines and the sponsorship of various publications.

The BME Studies Service has personnel at the four stock exchanges, which prepare, filter, select and distribute statistics on the markets and systems of the BME Group, reports and documentation on what is happening in the national and international financial markets.

BME also has libraries and documentation centres at all its offices with more than 30,000 titles on economics and finance available to employees and non-BME personnel.

For further information you can check the Sustainability Report

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